The contribution of WP 8 to ECONNECT's main objectives is to prepare results for a common understanding of the project and to transfer knowledge to other mountain regions. Knowledge-transfer activities are targeted to reach key actors at all levels, based on level of responsibility (stakeholders, managers, NGOs, GOs, scientists) and the spatial dimension (local, Alps, European). For an optimal coverage and to guarantee the sustainability of ECONNECT results, implementation guidelines and project syntheses will be distributed to key actors at the local, Alp-wide and European level. A specific emphasis at an advanced project state will be paid to transfer knowledge to other mountain regions.
Objectives, methodologies, activities and achievements of work packages will be synthesized, elaborated into a project synopsis, edited and widely distributed. The WP operates as an integrative platform where workshops and outreach publications focus on the transfer of knowledge to WP3 for communication, national key actors in the pilot regions and at the transnational level.
At a specific workshop for knowledge transfer, key actors from the Alps and other mountain areas (esp. Carpathians and Pyrenees) will be invited for the elaboration of implementation guidelines and policy recommendations. These results will be "packed" into a toolbox that will be made available to administrative bodies of the ECONNECT pilot regions as well as at a wider local/regional, national and European level.
A specific aim will also be to generate together with other work packages popular science information. General and scientific results and policy recommendations will be presented in the form of scientific publications, oral and poster presentations at external conferences (Alpine and Carpathian Space).
The first workshop will be held on November 4-6th 2009 in Grenoble/F and will be organised by Cemagref and the University of Innsbruck.
WP responsible: UIBK - University of Innsbruck (Institute for Ecology)
Leopold Fureder
University of Innsbruck Technikerstr. 25, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria
Phone: ++43 512 507 6125